The right way to take care of your eyes & the sensitive skin around it!

The right way to take care of your eyes & the sensitive skin around it!

Eyes are one of the most sensitive areas of our face, not to mention the most used ones too. As sensitive as they are, so is the skin around them. Taking care of your eyes is essential for our skincare regime as it not only helps the skin tissues relax, but it also helps in improving our vision in the longer run, bit by bit.

The skin around our eyes is extremely fragile and thus more prone to dryness and also shows signs of ageing. We work continuously in front of our laptop screens, reading, typing, binge watching and whatnot. In this process, we tend to squint, adjust our eyes to the light and move them around to see clearly, which fastens the wrinkling process of the skin.

This mostly happens due to the lack of care from our end. Our eyes need proper care and hydration in order to stay healthy.

With Indulgeo’s Eye Essentials Pack, you can give your eyes the much-needed pampering and wake up to the most relaxed eyes you have ever had.

This combo consists of the “Eyes on Duty Gel”, which helps to cure the skin below your eyes and gives them a refreshed feel. It is a supreme hydrating ultralight solution for dry, overtired & dull under-eyes. Formulated with unique potent, plant-derived ingredients, this eye gel is a one pump solution to instantly hydrate & brighten your under-eyes round the clock while alleviating puffiness, dark circles & fine lines. It is a rapid solution to wake you up and rejuvenate your tired eyes from prolonged screen time. It is something you can apply daily and see the difference in the feeling of the skin.

The other product is the “Rejuvenating Eye Serum”, which is your nighttime holy grail. It is something you should apply and sleep on with, only to wake up the following day with visibly reduced dark circles and supple skin. Our award-winning formulation helps to reduce dark circles, fine lines, puffiness, discolouration and enhances firmness around the eyes. It is enriched with extra virgin cold-pressed oils, organic blends & vitalising molecules!


With the Indulgeo’s Eye essentials pack, you have the perfect products to take care of your eyes, but one should also know how to use it correctly.

Morning (Day time) 

  • Morning calls for using the Eyes on Duty Eye Gel. It’s the beginning of the day, and before you put your eyes to use, you have to pump this gel out and use it on the sensitive areas around the eyes on your face.
  • Start off by washing your face with lukewarm water. Please note that the water does not have to burn your skin. It should be lukewarm, or else it will striff your skin off the natural oils that your skin contains.
  • Pump out the eye gel on your ring finger and rub it between the opposite two.
  • Gently massage the gel under your eyes and spread it evenly beneath and above your eyes for a soothing experience.
  • Massage for exactly 2 minutes and then you can leave it on for the entire day.

The Eyes on Duty gel is the perfect pick me up for the start of your day when you do not feel like getting ready and putting a full face of makeup on. It can be your go to eye gel which needs you to put minimal effort and gives you amazing results!

Night (Sleep time)

  • Well, eye serums call for the night time – When everything is said and done and you need to pamper yourself with the luxurious ingredients that our Rejuvenating Eye Serum contains. It comes in a dropper bottle which enables easy application.
  • Open the dropper bottle and drop out 2 drops (literally pea sized amounts) on the back of your palm.
  • Gently coat your fingertips with it and apply around the eye area with the tapping of fingers.
  • Once spread, massage gently in upwards direction. The product might take 30-60 seconds to completely absorb into the skin, but once done you can apply any moisturiser you wish to.

A night serum is almost as essential in one’s routine as lip balm. We use our lips to talk, breath, eat, etc. and we use our eyes for seeing things, literally all the time. It strains itself enough that it deserves to be taken care of fully too.

There are many speculations too, related to the fact that what difference there is between an eye gel and an eye serum. Well to burst your bubble, they are as different as oil and water. The main difference that comes to play is the difference in their formula and texture.

The eye gel is thicker and creamier in texture, it is thicker and consists of oils and fats that does not let it flow completely.

An eye serum on the other hand has a lot of viscosity, it flows and has a texture near to that of water, but less fluid than that due to the presence of nutrients in it.

We strongly recommend you all to use The Indulgeo’s Eye Essentials combo for taking care of your eyes. Not only is it essential, but it is also something that will take care of fine lines, ageing signs, wrinkles. Here’s an amazing insight – massaging the portion around our eyes has also shown signs of improving our eyesight in the longer run. Doing so boosts the blood circulation around the eyes and vitalizes the nerves much better.

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